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Reliable Home Safety And Security Window Film Solutions

Impact Protection “Anti-Shatter”

Helps hold glass together in the event of accidental or intentional impact

Burglary Protection

Safety and security window film takes away a thief’s ability to easily break through glass – typically a building’s weakest security point

Severe Weather Protection

Holds glass together in the face of high winds and even quakes or blasts
Prevents damage and injuries due to flying glass

UV Blocking

Blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation which can harm people and property.

Anti-Graffiti Film

Helping to protect surfaces from all sorts of graffiti!
Why waste time and money replacing windows? Anti-Graffiti glass safety window film helps helps prevent the damage in the first place by winning the fight against graffiti before it begins

  • Gouge/Scratch resistant
  • UV ray protection 99.0%
  • Indoor/outdoor use

Enhanced Safety Window Film



Benefits Include:

  • Gouge/Scratch resistant
  • Helps repel intentional attempts to gouge, deface or destroy graphics and surfaces.
  • Acid-etch Resistant
  • Helps protect glass from permanent damage caused by glass etching solutions.
  • Scratch Resistant
  • Helps resist scratching and abrasion caused by sharp objects or devices.
  • Can be easily and cleanly Removed
  • Adheres clearly and firmly to glass, but can be removed leaving little or no residue.
  • Indoor Outdoor Use
  • May be applied to either interior or exterior locations.

Whаt somе peорlе tеnd tо fоrgеt іѕ thаt іndоοr UV рrоtесtіоn iѕ јuѕt аѕ іmрortant аs thе ѕafеtу mеaѕurеs wе take іn thе sun, аnd а tуpісаl houѕе wіndоw prоvіdes nо protеctiоn agаіnst UV raуѕ. Home glass window security film mау bе thе key tо hеlpіng prоteсt уουr fаmіly frοm thе ѕun’ѕ dаmagіng rауѕ whіlе indoоrѕ.

Hаrmful UV Raуs Indооrѕ

It tаkeѕ lеѕѕ thаn 10 mіnutеs fοr thе ѕun tо dаmagе unprоtectеd skіn.

Whеther аt wоrk оr аt hоmе, UV rаys саn ріеrce thrоugh thе аveragе wіndоw, leavіng yоur υnprоtесted skіn susceptiblе tо sun damаge. Evеn thе nесеѕsarу routіnе оf drіving tо work оr thе grосerу ѕtоrе cаn рut уоu аt a riѕk. This is where our security window tint for homes helps residences in Las Vegas.

Does Glass Safety Film really work?

But the little extra expense may be worth it. When the window is strengthened by the glass security film, it can delay or even prevent a break-in. However, it should be kept in mind that having your home fortified with safety and security window film will not make it burglar-proof.

Can you see through mirrored window film at night?


One Way Mirror Film with Nighttime Vision 5% … These films still allow vision through the glass in most lighting conditions, and especially at night, the effect is reversed where the reflective ability is now on the inside of your windows. You can’t easily see out, but everyone can see in with these conditions.

Do lights deter burglars?


Does Leaving Lights on at Night Deter Burglars. Simply put, outdoor porch lights may not be as useful as you think to deter crime. Burning the bulbs for hours is a common artificial illumination we make use of to protect home from would-be burglars at night: It could be unsafe to leave lights on all night.

How do I secure my windows?


Key steps you can take include:
Lock Windows. The first and easiest step is to make sure that your windows are closed and locked whenever you leave your home.
Reinforce Glass.
Install Window Security Bars or Grills.
Install Window Alarms.
Secure Air Conditioners.

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